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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Thing 16: Google Docs!

How might you use this tool in your personal and professional life? Google Docs enables multiple people in different locations to collaborate simultaneously on the same doc from any computer with Internet access. For example, as a parent helper for my son's Tennis Team I was working with 4 other parents on putting together the information session for new "tennis" Parents for the open house, and they need to write a document, keep track of their work in a spreadsheet, and create a presentation to share with other people involved in the project. We met twice but still all of us could work on this at our own time....
When I made changes to the document, spreadsheet, or presentation, other parents could see them in real time and respond to them immediately. All of us worked on the same docs, so there was no need to go back and forth, comparing and consolidating individual files.
What issues come to mind about using this tool with students (ie, they need email addresses to log-in)?

This my son's response, he is in Grade7:
Google Docs is a great tool that can help students in many ways. Google Docs is a tool used to upload files onto the Internet for later use, this way emailing as attachments is not necessary. Another great feature of Google Docs is the sharing feature. With this feature you can share your documents with friends. You can either invite people to share or you can give them a link that will let them access that specific file. Google Docs is also helpful if you are doing a bid project with other team members. All of you can be editing the file at the same time; this saves the hassle of updating the file after every edit. Google Docs is a service that is very easily acquired; all you need is a Google account.

1 comment:

  1. What a great response from your son! I'll share this with others. :)
