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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Thing 14 - Bookmarking with Delicious !

Wow! I enjoyed and spent a lot of time with Thing 14. Delicious.com was new to me and I spent a lot of time looking at the tagged websites.

My delicious user name is: http://delicious.com/KalBhatt
I think this social bookmarking will be very helpful to me. Even if I have bookmarked a site; I might not have given it a logical name and so I often find a site and use it once and then forget about it.. Now that I am more aware of the capabilities of tagging I think I will keep better track of sites I am interested in. I really liked how Delicious showed how many other people have added sites to their bookmarks. This helped me filter through the sites and picking and choosing the best ones.

I think Delicious will be a tool that will enhance my productivity. I can actually create different categories for the teachers at my school and add on relevenat grade level websites. Teachers can quickly look to see what sites I have on a given topic and then choose which one will best meet the needs of their students at the time. I also think it would be helpful if all of us shared their bookmarked sites with each other.

I think it is absolutely brilliant to put all of the information we need in one location and that we can access it anywhere we have an Internet connection.

1 comment:

  1. Nice set of links. You're halfway through the program. Woot!
